

Certification & Quality management

Phocéenne SAS is a certified company by Lloyd's according to ISO 9001 since 1987 and ISO 14001 since 2004.
Quality management is an integral part of Phocéenne SAS's policy and ensures our clients high quality products and services from procurement up to delivery and beyond. Materials is supplied as per applicable client technical specifications.
Phocéenne SAS is also certified by RCM (Réseau CyberMenace) for Cyber threat.

Suppliers approved by our Quality Department

Product quality is guaranteed by pre-qualification and by constant monitoring of the suppliers.
Our suppliers/manufacturers are duly selected, approved and certified under ISO 9001 by the Quality Assurance system of Phocéenne SAS.

Websites of the Group

Phocéenne SAS - Siège social / Registered office: 10 Boulevard de Pythagore, domaine de Couperigne, 13127 Vitrolles, France -
Capital social/ Paid capital € 50,000 - Chambre du Commerce / Chamber of Commerce RCS Marseille B 877951673 - TVA/ VAT No. FR63877951673
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